Building software and services for humans.
My name is Deny Dias (a.k.a. @denydias) and I build software and services for humans.
Currently I hold the chief of product and operations position at eDok.
In a sentence: I'm what people call a full-stack software developer, a DevOp or whatever the hype word for someone who masters the whole tech cycle may be.
I'm specialist at systems design, specification, development, deployment and the life-cycle of mission-critical operations, both on-premises and in the cloud. I have a solid career in streaming media and digital asset management segments, with emphasis on massive content acquisition, processing, storage, reuse and distribution. I also have huge experience with many IT infrastructure related areas.
My (non-exhaustive) skill set at a glance:
- Software Project Management
- Talk to human beings to understand their needs on any given system.
- Translate that needs into a detailed set of specifications for developers.
- Manage the conversion of specifications into software deliverables.
- Keep a project on track for schedule, cost, scope and quality baselines.
- Develop resources and human friendly solutions to complex problems.
- Development
- Write good code in Bash, PHP, JS, CSS, HTML, Lua and others less common idioms.
- Understand and apply proper software design patterns for a given problem.
- Streamline development, testing, staging and production cycles.
- Create Docker images and deploy its derived containers.
- Build and run continuous integration for software.
- Document code and processes for tech people.
- Leverage RESTful APIs and JSON power.
- Transcode tons of data into whatever.
- Stand for DVCS adoption.
- On-Premise Operation
- Develop and implement security aware operations.
- Design, deploy and run IT operation processes.
- Work with lots of data coming back and forth.
- Deal with mission-critical systems.
- Integrate many different systems.
- Cloud Operation
- Scale systems, both vertically and horizontally.
- Migrate on-premises systems into the cloud.
- Make a good use of the cloud services APIs.
- Time-to-Market
- Document tech knowledge for non-tech people.
- Write marketing stuff about anything tech.
- SEO and Social Media integration.
- General Skills
- Advanced usage of *nix/BSD.
- Automate repetitive tasks.
- Travel (for work or not).
- Help people (for free).
- Ride a bike.
- Fix things.
Sociopolitical Views
As the society becomes increasingly fractured into factions, I think it's important for people to disclose their sociopolitical views. This is me on the subject (might change without notice):
- Atheist.
- Science driven.
- Meritocracy critic.
- Anarchist in its non-violent form.
- Open minded to anything progressive.
- Libertarian regarding drugs and abortion.
- Unsympathetic to civilian firearm ownership.
- Against patent systems and closed technologies.
- Deeply despise theocracies and religious people in State affairs.
- Strongly believe that only education can make humanity to thrive.
- Feel contempt for governments, borders, flags, anthems and prejudices.